
Writing down all my dreams is a daunting task for me. But that's why I feel the need to do it. I need to know what exactly I'm looking for in order to find it! I need to know what I want to accomplish if I'm going to accomplish anything at all! And I need to know who I am, if I want to answer any questions at all! And of course, I still don't know my own self yet. Not completely.

But here's what I know that I want: I want to wake up looking forward to my day (more often than not). I want to live in a way that doesn't harm others. I want to feel wildly successful in my career. I want to make a difference in the world (even a small difference). I want to keep up with the wonderful network that I've created and continue to fill it with more amazing people. I want to meet a good man, fall in love, and build a life. I want to know life and death and not be afraid to face either. I want to love and respect my physical body so I can live every day of my life. That doesn't seem like much to ask of life, does it? I'm sure this list will grow, the more I think about it. But its a start!

So now that I know what I want, and I've written it down for the world to see, I've got to get going and make it happen! So here's a list of goals for the next 3 months (Nov, Dec, Jan)...
1) Educate myself about the choices in make in my diet, and find ethical sources of food. (I watched Food Inc last night, and this seems like a good place to start as far as living an ethical life). I bet my colleague Dr. Vanessa Ingraham ND will have the best info for me on where to start with this goal.
2) Study well for my NPLEX exams so I can actually start my career this spring! My official goal is 25 hours per week for Dec and Jan.
3) Write at least biweekly in this blog so my peeps can keep up with me... and maybe be encouraged to start blogs of their own so I can keep up with them (hint hint).
4) Be active every day, and have a focussed exercise period at least 5 times per week.
5) Review my dreams and goals in Feb.

"Be patient toward all that is unsolved in your heart and try to love the questions themselves like locked rooms and like books that are written in a very foreign tongue. Do not now seek the answers, which cannot be given you because you would not be able to live them. And the point is, to live everything. Live the questions now. Perhaps you will find them gradually, without noticing it, and live along some distant day into the answer."
- Rainer Maria Rilke